Sunday, 31 May 2015


This past year has taught me a lot about myself and has made me grow massively as a person. Things have been far from easy, but one thing for sure is that I have really learnt to appreciate the things that matter most in life. Simple pleasures rather than the bigger, more materialistic things that deep down we all want to get our hands on…but do they actually make you truly happy? When I first moved to London, I couldn’t wait to get involved in everything the city had to offer, to eat out in all the fancy restaurants, go out partying every night and of course, being obsessed with fashion I wanted to buy EVERYTHING the magical world of Oxford Street had to offer. The reality was a little different, money has been ridiculously tight and I have had to find happiness elsewhere.

When you are living on a shoestring, settling in to a new environment, missing friends and family from home, battling fatigue and putting up with the stresses of a job, it can be hard to stay positive (there have been many tears along the way). So I have come up with a list of a few things that have kept me feeling happy through my journey over the last 12 months, take a read if you will, you never know maybe they will inspire you to change the way you think too.

1. Probably a little obvious, but family and friends are everything. I have always been a family girl, but this year especially I have truly valued the constant love and support from the people that know me best. Picking up the phone and having a chat with a special relative can turn a bad day in to a good’un or a cuddle with your boyfriend whilst watching rubbish t.v…these are the moments that are special. I have learnt a lot about people recently and feel like I know exactly who my true friends are. Stop caring about what people think, especially if they clearly don’t care about you…this was (and maybe still is) one of my biggest hang ups; but knowing who you can rely on makes everything easier.

2. Eating Healthy and staying fit. I have really taken pride in making sure to look after my body this year, a lot of things that happen in day-to-day life are out of our direct control, but looking after yourself is something that we can all easily be in charge of. I have religiously been going to the gym, working out and eating a balanced healthy diet for a long while now and I can honestly say I have never felt better. Exercise gives me a chance to empty my mind of London stresses and to just focus on myself, when you start to see the difference; not only physically but mentally too…it becomes seriously addictive.

3. Find something you love doing and do it as often as you can. This kind of ties in with the above, but since moving to Watford I wanted to find a way of getting to know new people and I happened to try out a Zumba class. I was instantly in love…I haven’t been this obsessed with something since I had to stop dancing and since that first class, it has been the highlight of my week, every week. Not only do I get to express myself through movement once more, but also I have made some fantastic new friends, who without Zumba our paths would never have crossed. Zumba is without doubt my happy space and if you can find something similar, I promise you it will only lead to positive vibes.

4. Laugh. Now I have always been a bit of a smiler, but this year has definitely tested my strength and I am sure if you were to ask my boyfriend he would tell you of all the stress and tears. But I like to think I have still maintained my lighthearted nature, both in work and in my spare time. Laughter really is the best medicine, not only does it release endorphins that will naturally make you feel good, but there is nothing better than sharing a moment of laughter with someone; being able to laugh at myself is something I pride myself on. Life is too short to take yourself seriously, embrace your own stupidity and not only will it make others laugh but I guarantee you will feel good too.

5. Find happiness through other peoples happiness. I know this sounds a bit cheesy, but not being able to get that materialistic happiness boost from purchasing a new pair of shoes, has made me appreciate ACTUAL happiness. I love nothing more than doing small gestures of good will to brighten someone’s day, whether it be just wishing a stranger a good day or buying your friend a bar of chocolate, making other people smile is a super easy way to feel positive.

6. Leave your work at the front door! Something that I am still learning, but it is definitely the most important point of all. No matter how stressful your day has been or how long your to-do list is (mine is honestly never ending), as soon as you leave the office and get off the train FORGET ABOUT IT (until the next morning at least) and focus on relaxing. Clearing your mind of work and having some time to just be "you" is the easiest way to keep a positive mentality…easier said than done, but work on it and everything will seem better.

So there you have it, 6 small pointers that have kept me feeling happy and positive over the last year. Not everything revolves around how much money you have, finding “a happy place” through your day to day actions will show you how strong a person you really are. Have a positive week everyone and remember to spread the love!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Create Your Perfect Pastel Palette.

It’s been a long while, a very long while. For the past year I have been completely sucked up in to the whirlwind that is my new life in London. When people said that starting out in the city was hard…they weren’t lying. No money, temptation everywhere you look, ridiculously long hours in the office (I’m considering setting up camp) and not to forget the dreaded commute. But here I am putting pen to paper (well fingers to keyboard) and writing again, because quite frankly I miss it…a lot.

I could write about all the crazy things that have happened in the last 12 months, because trust me – a lot has happened, but instead I want to share with you a trend that has caught my eye and get back to what inspired me to start writing in the first place, all those years ago.

For those of you that know me well enough, you will know that in the colour spectrum black to white, I will always veer towards the darker shades. Despite loving a bold pattern (when looking at my wardrobe from a far, it looks like a unicorn has thrown up on it) black is my go to colour, a trustworthy fashion favourite that can really make an outfit pop; but this Spring something has changed. White is EVERYWHERE and dare I say it, it’s sucked me right in; I don’t think I will ever fully make the transition to the Brightside, but for now, consider me converted.

With this in mind, as the new season stock enters the high street ready for the Summer months, a trend that has already caught my eye goes by the name of “Mixed Pastels”. I know, I know, I am sure you are thinking sickly sweet ice cream shades…been there, done that, but this year it’s a little different and certainly more grown up. This trend is not your average Cornetto but more an expensive Italian Gelato, trust me, it works.

For SS15 it is all about subtly mixing your favourite pastels and off setting them with a hint of “tan”. No I don’t mean you actually need to get a tan (good job, as for me that’s looking almost impossible this year) but instead picture your favourite sugary shades – think mint greens, powder pinks and sky blues, contrasted with tan suede shorts…maybe even some wooden platforms. Dare I say it, but it almost has a Scandinavian vibe. Why the fear surrounding the Scandi word I hear you ask? This trend has been thrown around the Urban office for what feels like forever, so much so that we are all sick of it – It’s like word vomit. But no matter how hard we try to escape it, we are all guilty of falling back in to the minimalistic trap and just keep coming back for more. I am sure you will agree it is undeniably beautiful.

Chloe SS15 Pastel Collecion 
Anyway, back to the point. If you are looking for an ultra feminine Spring transitional trend, then look no further. Sugary shades are combined with flowing fabrics, texture and layers to provide you with a refreshingly grown up, holiday style. I am especially in love with Chloe’s Spring/Summer collection and can’t get enough of their delicate lace work. Sheer fabrics and cut out silhouettes give this otherwise youthful trend a strictly “18+” rating, catapulting the new Pastel palette from Girlie to Lady-like.

For a slightly edgier look, try introducing fancy finishes to your outfit in the form of tassel’s and fringing. There has been a DEFINITE obsession with the Wild West in almost all high street stores recently and I for one am a huge fan…certainly something that I want to try and get more of in to my own wardrobe and this seems to be the perfect excuse. If like me you have a fear of looking TOO feminine (is that a thing? I dunno) give your pastels and frills a little kick by throwing in some Cowboy winged sleeves, maybe even the boots to match if you are feeling brave enough. The only rule is that it must be tan…for once, no black is allowed.

Other than that, the pastel world is your oyster or should I say Ice Cream Parlour. Remember to mix your shades, the more the merrier and to over exaggerate your textures…when and IF I ever come in to some money, I will be encouraging myself to explore this sugar coated world and who knows maybe even ditch the black skinnies for good (yer right!).

Happy Pastel mixing everyone!